List of HTML Tags: Basic HTML

Generally we all know that there is 2 parts in HTML. The one is head part and another is body part. The content what we write in the body is only displayed but the head part is not for showing the text or file, it is only for writing css, javascript or jequery etc. to manipulate or change the structure of the text written in the body. Lets go through head and then body continuesly.

html 5 tags

HTML Head Part/Element:-

Head part consists title <title> tag, meta <meta> tag and also the other elements which are needed to to embade in the documents.
Title <title> tag defines the title of each document of HTML in the tool bar of browser and meta <meta> tag is used to define the meta title, description, keyword or media screen too. Its all don't affect directly in HTML document but they are useful in seo terms and conditons and in responsive design.
This html element is like a container for all the head elements like for scripts, styles and also for meta.

HTML Body part/Element:-

Html body part is like the body of human being which has all the parts of people ie needed to live human. Likewise without body part there is nothing left in other elements. If we write something in the body part, we can see them in browser otherwise we can't. All the tags that we write in the body have special features.

Some Basic HTML Tags or Elements

  1. <!DOCTYPE>  It defines the document type which is new concepts or assumption of HTML 5.
  2. <!--...--> It defines a comment written between the angular brackets.
  3. <a> a tag defines a hyperlink, it means when we click the text or image of this tag, then we are directed into another html document.
  4. <abbr> abbr defines an abbreviation. It is used to show the short cut name of any items in full form.
  5. <acronym> It is not supported in HTML5. Nowadays <abbr> is used  instead of acrynom
  6. <address> It is used to define contact information for the author/owner of a document or the webpage.
  7. <applet> Applet is not supported in html 5. Instead of it we use <object>\
  8. <area> It is used to define an area inside an image-map, it is still supported.
  9. <article> Article tag is new html 5 tag which define an article of the page
  10. <aside> It is also new tag. It is used to define the side bar or aside of the page.
  11. <audio> Audio is also new html element that is used to define audio directly in the page.
  12. <b> It defines the bold of text but nowadays it is not used mostly.
  13. <base>
  14. <bdi>It is new html elements which is used to isolate a part of text
  15. <bdo> It is used to override the direction of current text.
  16. <blockquote> It defines a section quoted from another source page.
  17. <body> Obviously body defines the body part of document
  18. <br> It breaks the single line of the page.
  19. <canvas> canvas is new html 5 elements which is used for making graphical element in the page.
  20. <button> It creates a clickable button.
  21. <caption> It make a table caption
  22. <cite> Use to define the title of a work
  23. <center> Actually it is avoided by html 5 but it centers the text.
  24. <code> Used to define computer code
  25. <col> It is used to specify the column properties
  26. <command> It is New tag that is used to define a command that a user can invoke
  27. <datalist> New tag in html 5 that specify a list of pre-defined options for input controls
  28. <dd> dd is called description tag.
  29. <del> del is used to define the text that has been deleted from a page.
  30. <details> It is another new tag that defines additional details that the user can view and hide too.
  31. <dfn> It is the definition tag
  32. <dialog> It is new tag for window dialog box.
  33. <ul> ul is used for listing the point unoderly which defines a directory list.
  34. <div> div defines the section of the page. It is mostly using tag.
  35. <dl> dl tag is used to define the description list. It comes along with dd tag.
  36. <em> em tag is used to define emphasized text.
  37. <fieldset> fieldset is used in form. It means it groups all the related form.
  38. <figure> figure tag is used for self contained content.
  39. <figcaption> New tag, It is used to create a caption for a <figure> tag
  40. <footer> footer is for footer section, it is new concept of html 5.
  41. <form> form tag is used for user interaction, it means it is used to take input form user and give output to the user.
  42. <h1> to <h6> H1 to H6 are heading tags that are used for heading of the page.
  43. <head> All the information of the page and it contains the script, style and meta of the document.
  44. <header> header is new tag that is used to define the head section of the page.
  45. <hr> hr is used for horizontal line.
  46. <html> html is the root of the webpage it defines whole page.
  47. <i> It italics the text of the page.
  48. <iframe> It is used to em bade the text of another webpage.
  49. <img> It defines an image file in the document.
  50. <input> Input tag is used for input control.
  51. <label> Lable is used to define a label for an input element.
  52. <legend> Legend tag creates  a caption for a <fieldset> element in the page.
  53. <li> It is used for listing the items.
  54. <link> Link tag is used to link the another stylesheet file in the webpage.
  55. <mark> Mark is new tag which highlights the text.
  56. <menu> It defines the list of commands.
  57. <meta> Meta data like keywords, description and title.
  58. <nav> Navigation list items.
  59. <object> Object is used to define an embedded object.
  60. <ol> It is used to create ordered list
  61. <optgroup> It is used to create a group options in a drop-down list.
  62. <option> option also define an option in a drop-down list
  63. <output> It is also used to show the output of the calculation. It is new element.
  64. <p> It defines paragraph of the text.
  65. <pre> By the way it is not used today scenario. pre is used to define preformatted text.
  66. <progress> It is new element for represent the progress task.
  67. <q> It is used to define a short quotation in the page.
  68. <ruby> It is for annotation. And it is new element.
  69. <s> s tag defines oncorrect text.
  70. <samp> It is used to show sample output from the program.
  71. <script> It is used to define script in the page which is client side script.
  72. <section> section is non other than section of a page. We can see no change without applying the css in this tag.
  73. <select> Drop-down list in a form.
  74. <small> Small text in the page.
  75. <span> Span tag is like the div tag but often used for arranging the text.
  76. <strong> Strong is used to define a particular word as important text.
  77. <style> It is used for applying the style for a page.
  78. <sub> Sub tag is used for subscripting the text
  79. <summary> summary is new tag for summarising the text  <details> element.
  80. <sup> sup tag is used for super scripting the text.
  81. <table> Table, yes it defines table.
  82. <tbody> It only groups content of a table
  83. <td> It is use to create a cell of table.
  84. <textarea> textarea is input form element for large text.
  85. <th> Th tag is for creating the head cell of the table.
  86. <time> Time tag is new which is used for putting the time in the page.
  87. <title> Already said it is used for making title of the document.
  88. <tr> It creates the row of table.
  89. <ul> It is used for un order lists.
  90. <var> var is used to define variable.
  91. <video> video tag is new tag that is used to show the video in the page.

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