Basically, there are 2 html group tags in HTML elements. They are <div> and <span>. Div tag creates a section in a document with block level and as same the span tag creates section in html document in inline.
HTML Block Tags/ Elements:- Block Elements are those that occupied all the line that it is staying now. It means it normally starts or ends with new line when it is being displayed in any browser. Some examples are: <p>, <h1>, <table> <div> etc.
HTML Inline Tags/ Elements:- Inline tags displayed in the same line even starting a new tag. <img>, <a>, <span> etc tags are inline tags which don't break the line.
HTML Block Tags/ Elements:- Block Elements are those that occupied all the line that it is staying now. It means it normally starts or ends with new line when it is being displayed in any browser. Some examples are: <p>, <h1>, <table> <div> etc.
HTML Inline Tags/ Elements:- Inline tags displayed in the same line even starting a new tag. <img>, <a>, <span> etc tags are inline tags which don't break the line.
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