How to Remove Spam Comments from Blogger

Remove Spam Comment
Hi guys, after long time, I am here to tell you why we should delete the comments of blogger and how to delete them. There are some causes of removing the comments from a blog. If you get this kind of comments in your posts, then you should immediately remove them.

Spam Comment

If a comment is spam then it can be a cause that your site rank is not increasing but it is decreasing. Spam comments are very harmful for a blog because if search engines find these comments, then they started decreasing the rank of your comments. 

How to Know a Comment is Spam?

  • If a comment is unrelated with your blog post
  • If comment is too long
  • If forceful links are found in a comment

Vulgar Comment

Some people may not like your blog and post, and they can write vulgar comments and they also can rebuke you and your blogging techniques. If your found these kind of comments, you also must delete them immediately because when other people reads these comment then they also might not like your blog. So this can decrease the visitors in your blog. Just remove it guys.

Comment Not Neccessary

Some articles and posts do not need any comments on them because these articles are truthworthy. 

Delete Comment of Blogger Post:-

  1. As usual Login to your blogger account.
  2. Just Check in Comment Link
  3. There you can see 3 link Published, Moderate and Spam and you just check them out. Now find spam comment and vulgure comment and delelte them. 
Note: Mostly the comments you find in spam box are spam but sometimes they can not be spam.

Thank you.

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