Pucca Theme Park Android Hack

Pucca Theme Park Android Hack for extra Time, Cash and Gold.
Play the Game for some time and exit the game and then Open Root explorer 

  • Open xml file with root explorer in data/data/com.incrediblestudio.themepark/shared_prefs/preference-profile.xml
  • Open preference-profile.xml with text editor.
  • Change ALL time value to "0" ALL
  • Change value cash and gold ( max candies 999999)

Pucca Theme Park Android Hack

(note) : red mark : value time
blue : value cash (candies) and gold
change them with your desired values.

  • If you are done with it .. save files and press hold preference-profile.xml to chage permissions 

Pucca Theme Park Android Hack

now select OK

  • remove all data in shared_prefs  folder EXCEPT preference-profile.xml
  • Turn all internet conections and play game...

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